Privacy Policy

Last update: 30/9/22

We (referred to as “We”, “Us” or “Our”) are dedicated to protecting your personal information and your privacy.

This Privacy Policy aims to notify you about the methods we use to gather and archive the data you submit through the website Immediate Axiom (referred to as “the site”).

These values will be upheld: .

  • To ensure clarity concerning the handling and acquisition of your personal data:

We aim to empower you to make knowledgeable decisions about personal data usage and processing. Hence, we designed our website. To achieve this, we utilize various strategies and techniques to offer you pertinent information about personal data handling.

Should it be determined that you need specific information, we'll furnish you with the details at the right date and time.

We are pleased to address any inquiries you may have and will clarify any legal restrictions you need. You can contact us via email at the following address: info@Immediate

  • Personal information will be utilized solely for the intentions outlined in the policy.

Your Personal Data may be utilized by us for various purposes, which include offering the website to you, linking you with third-party trading platforms (the 'Services'), improving the site, safeguarding our rights and interests, facilitating the upkeep and delivery of services, fulfilling regulatory or legal requirements, and performing administrative and business tasks to support the use of the services.

We handle your personal information to better understand your preferences and requirements.

  • Utilize essential tools to safeguard your rights concerning personal data.

To facilitate the exercise of your rights, we have ample resources. Reach out anytime to ask for Personal Information concerning your data. We will update or erase it, discontinue its use for certain purposes or altogether, and transmit the data to you or a third party. We can accommodate your requests.

  • Protect your private information.

Although we cannot promise absolute security for your personal data, we assure you that we will persist in using various strategies and methods to safeguard your personal information.

Our policy on privacy and security is now comprehensive.

1. The Scope?

This policy outlines the categories of personal data gathered from individuals, detailing the methods of processing, third-party sharing, security measures, and related procedures.

This Policy pertains to data connected to a known or identifiable individual. An identifiable individual can be described as someone who can be directly identified or through a combination of other information we possess or have access to.

The Policy describes “processing” as an operation that necessitates the use or collection of personal data. This encompasses the administration, organization, and retention of personal data.

Our offerings are meant for a broad audience and are unsuitable for individuals under 18. We do not intentionally seek or collect data from those under the age of 18. We do not knowingly permit such individuals to access our services. If we become aware of information pertaining to minors, we will promptly delete it.

2. What information do we hold about you?

When you access our services and channels, or browse our website, we gather personal information. Occasionally, we might ask for your personal details directly. At other times, we collect your personal info by monitoring our services' usage or acquiring it from our third-party collaborators.

3. There’s no obligation to reveal personal details to the company and the outcomes.

However, you are not required to give us any personal information. In some cases, though, you might not be required to share any personal data. This may prevent us from providing services or restrict users from accessing the website.

4. What types of personal details can we collect? When visiting our site, we will gather the following data about you: .

This encompasses details about your online behavior records, data concerning your traffic (including IP address, access date, access time, and access date), the language selected, software error reports, the type of browser employed, as well as information about the device you used. The gathered data does not include personal information and cannot be used to identify you.

Personal Information You share with Us: Any data you willingly submit to Us when accessing a third-party online trading platform via our services.

Personal details you submit directly to external platforms to enable transactions: this data includes your full name, residential address, contact number, and email address.

5. The legal justification and the purposes for handling personal information.

Your personal information is managed by the company for the reasons outlined in this section, and in accordance with the relevant legal framework.

Lacking a legal foundation, the company cannot process your personal information. Here are the lawful bases enabling the company to handle your personal data regarding you:

  • You have agreed to the handling of your personal data for one or more purposes. This occurs when you provide personal details through the website so that we can relay them to a third-party trading platform.
  • The Company or a third party may need to handle processing to fulfill their valid interests. For example, this could involve enhancing our services or addressing legal disputes.
  • Adhering to legal requirements is essential for processing.

Reach out to us by email to obtain further information about the procedures required to protect legitimate interests.

Presented below are the reasons and legal bases for which we may utilize the information you provide us with. Personal data.

Legal basis

On your request, share your personal data with third-party entities to enable access to digital trading.

Should you request it, we might collect your personal information to share it with external firms.

You have agreed to the use of your personal data for one or more purposes.

To address your inquiries, issues, or concerns, personal data is required to assist in resolving any questions you may have about the services.

The lawful interests of the firm or the aims of a third party must be handled.

To fulfill any statutory duty or administrative, legal, or judicial requirements, personal data is processed to comply with these legal obligations.

To meet legal requirements, processing is necessary.

To Improve Our Services Personal Data may be utilized by us to better Our Services. This comprises, among other factors, any crash or error reports that we gather related to the services.

The firm's legitimate interests or those of a third party require processing.

To Prevent Fraud and the Abuse of Our Services

The legitimate interests of the company or the interests of a third party need to be processed.

To execute and oversee tasks that comply with the demands of our services, these activities encompass administrative duties, growth initiatives, strategic planning, supervisory processes, and more.

The company's lawful interests or those of a third party require processing.

To make informed decisions on various matters, we utilize a variety of analytical methods (including those of a statistical nature).

The valid concerns of the corporation or a third party's needs require handling.

To Protect Our Resources, Rights, and Interests as Well as Those of Others, We Have Created HTML0 to Assert and Defend Legal Claims Personal Data May Be Utilized by Us to Secure Our Rights, Interests, and Resources, or Those of Other Parties, in Accordance with Any Relevant Laws, Regulations, or Agreements and Any Conditions, Terms, or Policies.

The genuine interests of the business or those of a third party require handling.

6. Sharing Personal Information with External Parties

The firm may also share personal information with third-party entities providing services to us, such as hosting and storage firms, IP address data, and user experience analysis.

You may request us to share your specific personal information with third-party trading platforms. In such cases, we will transmit your personal details provided by you to these third-party trading platforms. These platforms' privacy policies will govern the use of your personal information. Your personal data might be disclosed to several trading platforms.

The Company may share personal data with associated firms or strategic partners. This collaboration grants the company essential resources to enhance and refine the products and services offered to its clientele.

If there is a necessity to protect the interests of third parties or assets, The Company is authorized to share personal data with regulatory, local, or other governing bodies.

Furthermore, we might disclose your personal data to prospective investors or purchasers, or to company lenders or any other company within our corporate group, in instances of transactions (including asset transfers or sales of company assets or those of any other group company), or as part of any merger, restructuring, consolidation, or insolvency proceedings involving the company or another entity within the group.

7. Third-party cookies and services.

External services, like those offering advertisements on our site or analytics firms, might be employed. These firms may also use cookies or other technologies.

Cookies are minute text documents saved on your device whenever you visit or use the website. These cookies collect data on your preferences and surfing patterns to enhance your online experience, monitor your choices, and tailor products and services to your liking. Additionally, cookies are employed for statistical purposes and analytical insights.

Certain cookies we may utilize are session cookies. These are temporarily stored on your device and disappear shortly after you close your browser. In contrast, other cookies are persistent. Persistent cookies remain on your device for an extended duration even after you shut down your browser. They help the website recognize you as a returning visitor and facilitate your access to the website again.

Types of cookies:

They can be utilized by us according to their intention: .

The type of cookie

Biscuits are utterly essential.


These cookies are essential for enabling the features you have requested and for navigating our site. Cookies facilitate the delivery of information, products, and services that you have sought from us.

They are essential for your device to acquire and stream data. This allows you to explore the website, make use of its functionalities, and revisit pages you’ve previously visited.

Additional Information

Cookies gather personal information, like your username, along with the most recent login date to verify your site access.

They disappear once you shut down your web browser (session cookies).

The type of cookie

Performance cookies.


Cookies enable us to identify you on each return to our website and to store your settings and preferences.

Additional Information

They remain valid until their expiration date and persist even after closing the browser.

The type of cookie

Biscuits for efficiency.


Cookies are utilized to collect performance metrics on the site and to aid in its improvement. They also enable us to conduct analysis on our website.

Additional Information

Cookies store data that is anonymous and not linked to any identifiable or identified individual.

They can be cleared when you exit your browser. Some cookies remain valid indefinitely.

Cookies are restricted or deleted.

To manage or delete cookies, you must adjust your browser's preferences. Here are links to assist you with the steps for several popular browsers.

  • firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Google Chrome
  • safari

Be mindful that some or all of the site's functions and features may not work as anticipated if this occurs.

This platform currently does not accommodate do-not-track preferences.
8. The Preservation of Your Personal Information.

The Company aims to keep your personal data for as long as needed to achieve the purposes outlined in this policy, or for extended durations as allowed by relevant laws, regulations, guidelines, and applicable orders.

Your details will be disclosed to third-party trading platforms for a timeframe of 12 months. With your consent, we'll extend sharing your data for an additional 12 months.

We periodically assess the Personal Data we retain to confirm it is still necessary.

9. Sharing personal data with foreign entities or global organizations.

Your personal details might be moved to different nations, meaning your data could be sent to a country other than your home country or to global bodies. The Company ensures that all required measures are taken to safeguard the personal data you provide and guarantees that data users can exercise their rights and access effective legal remedies.

These protections and safeguards are available to everyone living in the UK (United Kingdom).

  • Transfer to a third-party nation or global entity which the UK Commission has deemed provides sufficient protection of personal information transferred to it in line with article 45 (3) of Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated 27 April 2016 (the “GDPR”).
  • The transfer is carried out under a binding and enforceable agreement between public bodies or authorities in accordance with Article 46 (2) (a).
  • The transfer adhered to standard data protection provisions sanctioned by the UK authorities as per Article 46 (2) (c) of the GDPR. The provisions authorized by the UK authorities are accessible at

The organization can supply details concerning the protective measures it utilizes to ensure the safety of your personal information transferred to foreign nations or international bodies. Please direct your inquiries to via email.

10. Protection of Personal Information

We have implemented appropriate organizational and technical measures to protect personal data. This ensures the prevention of accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, or alteration of personal data.

We cannot ensure or promise that the protection of your personal information will be error-free. We are also not liable for any intangible, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use or exposure of personal information. Although this includes, it is not confined to any personal data being disclosed due to transmission mistakes, unauthorized access by a third party, or any other cause beyond our control.

If there are legal mandates or other obligations outside our control, we might need to share your personal information with third parties, such as governmental bodies. We cannot ensure the protection of your personal information by these third parties in such scenarios.

It is impossible to guarantee the complete safety of personal information shared online. Our Company cannot confirm the protection of personal data sent to us via the Internet.

11. Links to online pages of external websites.

Links to external sites and apps are featured on this website. These external sites and applications are not monitored by the company. We hold no responsibility for the collection or handling of personal data by these external platforms. This Policy does not apply to activities conducted through such sites or apps.

Before using any recommended third-party websites or apps, we urge you to review their privacy policies. We also advise you to share any personal information with them after doing so.

12. Revisions to this Policy

This policy may be revised at any point. Should we update this policy, we will inform you by posting the new version on our website. Additionally, if there are major changes, we will endeavor to notify you through methods we consider suitable and will announce it on our website. All alterations, unless specifically noted otherwise, will take effect once the revised policy is published.

13. Your entitlements concerning your personal data.

You have the right to ask us to confirm the correctness of the personal data collected about you, correct any errors, and remove any personal information we do not need. You are also permitted to limit the types of processing of your personal data.

If you live in the United Kingdom, please visit this link for information: .

You have access to these entitlements concerning the data you submit regarding your personal information. To invoke your rights, you can send a request via email to the address listed below.

Access rights

The organization can confirm the correctness of the personal data they hold about you. If correct, you have the right to access your personal information.

The Company seeks to provide an electronic version of the personal data currently being handled and may impose a reasonable fee for any extra copies. The data will be accessible electronically upon your request.

The entitlement to access personal information should not clash with the rights and liberties of others. If the request negatively impacts the rights and freedoms of someone else, the organization may decline the request or restrict its ability to comply.

Entitlement to amendment

The Corporation has the right to amend incorrect personal data. You have the right to request that any incomplete personal data about you be corrected, considering the purpose of processing.

Right to Erasure

The following justifications apply: (a) Personal data are no longer necessary for the reasons they were obtained or processed; (b) You revoke consent with no lawful grounds to continue processing; (c) You oppose at any time, due to a reason unique to your circumstances, to the processing of your personal data based on legitimate interests pursued by us or a third party; (e) Personal data are processed illegally or (f) Personal data must be erased to comply with the company's legal obligations.

This right does not apply if processing is essential (a) to meet a legal obligation mandated by United Kingdom law or national regulations; or (b), to establish, enforce, or defend legal claims.

Limitations on processing.

Should you have concerns about the precision of your personal information, you can request the company to restrict the processing of your personal data.

Should you request that personal data be restricted, it may only be retained with your permission, to establish, exercise, or defend legal rights, to protect another individual’s rights, or for a reason of significant public concern in the United Kingdom or its territories.

Entitlement to data transfer.

Should the procedure be executed by an automated system and is predicated on consent or a contract that involves you, you are legally entitled to access and review the personal information you have provided to the company.

You have the right to request that your personal information be transmitted directly from the company to another controller, if technically possible. Your rights under the right to erasure remain unaffected by your exercising the right to data portability. The right to data transfer does not infringe on other individuals' rights or freedoms.

Right to challenge

You have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data based on the company's or third party's legitimate interests. This includes profiling based solely on these interests. Should we demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for processing personal data, we can’t proceed unless you show these are overridden by your rights, freedoms, or interests, or for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.

Regarding direct marketing, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data at any moment.

Privilege to deny permission

You may withdraw your approval for us handling your personal data at any moment. This won't affect the legitimacy or lawfulness of any processing based on your consent before the withdrawal.

You have the right to file a grievance with the governing body overseeing you.

You can file an appeal with a regulatory authority established by a member state to protect the basic rights of individuals concerning the processing of personal data within the United Kingdom.

The regulations of the United Kingdom and its territories may restrict your entitlements regarding personal data about you, as outlined in this section 13.

We will supply the requested details in accordance with your entitlements under section 13 of this agreement within thirty days of receiving your request. The time frame may be extended up to two months based on the complexity and volume of requests. Within one month of your request reception, we will inform you of any extension, along with the justifications.

Provided it does not conflict with the stipulations of section 13 of the law, the details you seek under your rights per section 13 will be given at no cost. However, if the inquiry is unfounded or excessive, especially if repeated, we may impose a reasonable fee to cover the administrative costs of fulfilling the request or providing the information. We may also choose not to respond.

If we have uncertainties concerning the true identity of the individual submitting your request, the company may seek additional details.